Thursday, July 27, 2017

AnyPoint Studio 7 Beta

 These are some of new features and improvements in Studio 7 beta:

* Improved palette which enables users to more quickly discover what they’re looking for by searching directly for operations and saving favorites.
* Users can now explicitly manage which connectors and modules are associated with a project.
* Connectors and modules are now managed directly by Anypoint Studio, and do not require users to manage update sites.
* Easily navigate to code from visual view by right clicking on a component and clicking “View XML”
* Maven is now embedded out of the box inside Studio. Additionally, every project now has a Maven POM, making it easier to incorporate projects into CI/CD systems.
* Flows and scopes are now collapsable.
* Updated icons make flows easier to read.
* DataSense metadata is now stored in a human readable format this is easier to share, commit and merge.
* Support for importing API specifications from Design Center
* Improved user experience for connector and modules
* Simplified experience to manage credentials when logging into the Anypoint Platform

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