Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Server 2012

Windows Key + C - Opens Charms bar
Windows Key + Ctrl + Tab - Cycles through apps
Windows Key + Shift + Tab - Cycles through apps in reverse order
Windows Key + D - Switch to desktop (from start screen)
Windows Key + E - Opens file explorer
Windows Key + F - Search (files and folders)
Windows Key + H - Share
Windows Key + I - Settings
Windows Key + K - Devices
Windows Key + M - Minimizes current windows on desktop
Windows Key + O - Sets device orientation
Windows Key + Pause - System properties
Windows Key + PgDown- Moves current app to right monitor
Windows Key + PgUp- Moves current app to left monitor
Windows Key + PrtScr - Save screenshot
Windows Key + Q - Global search
Windows Key + R - Run command
Windows Key + spacebar - Switch keyboard/input language
Windows Key + TAB - Provides list of running programs
Windows Key + U - Ease of access center
Windows Key + V - Cycles notifications
Windows Key + Shift + V - Cycles notifications in reverse order
Windows Key + Y - Shows desktop screen
Windows Key + W - System settings search
Windows Key + X - Quick access menu
Windows Key + Z - Opens app bar

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

GeoFlow for Excel 2013

GeoFlow is basically Excel charting plus Bing Maps

GeoFlow is a three dimensional (3-D) data visualization tool for Microsoft Excel 2013 that provides a powerful method for people to look at information in new ways. It enables the data discoveries that might not be seen in traditional two dimensional (2-D) tables and charts. With GeoFlow you can plot geographic and temporal data visually, analyze that data on a 3-D globe and over time, and create visual tours to share with others.

With GeoFlow you can:
1.    Map Data: plot up to a million rows of data in 3-D, visually on Bing maps.
2.    Discover Insights: gain new understandings by seeing your data in geographic space and seeing time-stamped data change over time.
3.    Share Stories: capture screenshots and build cinematic, guided video tours that can be shared broadly, engaging audiences like never before.

Refer to link below for project codename "GeoFlow" Preview for Excel

SQL Server 2014 announcements

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Architecture of your version of Windows platform. How to find ?

How to find the architecture of your version of Windows platform?

Use the following command in the Command Prompt:

C:> wmic os get osarchitecture

