Showing posts with label NotepadPlusPlus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NotepadPlusPlus. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

XML Formatting using Notepad++ editor

There are occasions where i had received XML files that are not formatted. I know we can view XML files in browsers however XML data modifications and viewing/manipulating/searching XML data etc needs some effort using XML editors etc. First before XML data modifications everyone prefers the XML data is in readable and formatted with indents.

So assume XML data is not formatted like in screenshot below...

Steps below explains how to do XML Formatting using Notepad++ editor
1. Install the XML Tools plugin that comes FREE as part of NotePadd++ editor.
2. SELECT ALL TEXT (CTRL+A) the XML data that you want to format
3. Go to Menu "Plugins" --> "XML Tools" --> "Pretty print (libXML) [experimental]"

4. That's it... Now you have the XML data in formatted format.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Notepad++ Editor - (Regular Expressions tips)

Notepad++ Editor -  (Regular Expressions tips)

If you want to prefix some characters on START of every line opened by Notepad++.

Start of the line

If you want to suffix some characters on END of every line opened by Notepad++.

\r\n End of the Line (CRLF)

Refer to images below for more details

Note: on Replace text window - Ensure you have Regular expression radio option is selected