Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Windows Azure HDInsight now available for public preview

When I accessed the https://www.hadooponazure.com, I saw announcement from Microsoft that HDInsight is integrated now with WindowsAzure.com and available for public preview.

Windows Azure HDInsight How to check Hadoop available components and its versions

Windows Azure HDInsight is the Hadoop distribution based on the Hortonworks Data Platform 1.1.0

One of the way to check the available components and their versions is to login to a cluster using RDP connection and go to "C:\apps\dist\" directory.

Windows Azure HDInsight provides Hadoop services through following components:

Apache Hadoop 1.0.3
Apache Hive 0.9.0
Apache Pig 0.9.3
Apache Sqoop 1.4.2
SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0
Apache Oozie 3.2.0
Apache HCatalog 0.4.1
Apache Templeton 0.1.4