Saturday, November 10, 2012

Team Foundation Service is Released!

Cloud-powered source code management through Team Foundation Service.

The new url for the service is and you can signup for free and add max 5 users to access your TFS service. Pricing will decided by Microsoft during early 2013.

- Get started quickly, with no infrastructure to manage.
- Go from “Sign up” to first project in minutes, and set up a Continuous Integration (CI) build in a few easy steps.
- Your source code and work items are stored in the cloud, making server configuration a thing of the past.
- Plan projects, collaborate with your team, and manage your code online from anywhere.
- Check-In your code directly into the cloud using Visual Studio or Eclipse. Manage work items and bugs in Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Safari.

TFS cloud Features –>

OK now lets try signup for free to the Team Foundation Service on cloud…


Sign up process steps


Creating TFS account


TFS Account created and link –>

Default view of TFS


TFS Admin screen


Creating new Team Project


Creating new team project in progress


Creating new team project in progress


New Team project created successfully


Team project default view


Let us now try to connect to the TFS Project on cloud

Connecting to Team project created through web interface using Visual Studio 2012

Team –> Connect to Team Foundation Server


Provide the TFS account link for connect to the TFS cloud


Connecting to Team project created through web interface using Visual Studio 2012


Team Explorer connected the team project in TFS cloud


Monday, October 8, 2012

Preview Apache™ Hadoop™-based Services for Windows Azure

In this blog post i will document the preview I did on "Apache™ Hadoop™-based Services for Windows Azure"

After my first look - I feel the following are some of best things for Admins/Developers Microsoft had made for this Hadoop offerings on Windows Azure.
1. Metro Style user experience to Create a Hadoop cluster on Windows Azure.
2. Very easy to configure and manager Hadoop cluster and nodes.
3. Job history management and Viewing the job execution history is so seamless.
4. Deploying Map/Reduce job is so simple(might be for basic job routines?)
5. Development of Map/Reduce code in your favorite JAVASCRIPT language
6. Webconsole to execute and manage the Map/Reduce jobs.
7. View Map/Reduce Job results in web console, view in GRAPH output, etc...

So much to document and explore in this new BigData approach from Microsoft....

Ok Let's get started...

You can start from

Once you logged in using Windows Live credentials, you see the "Request a new Hadoop Cluster" screen in Home page.

Provide all required information and finally click on "Request Cluster" button link at right navigation.

Hadoop Cluster allocation in progress...

Hadoop Cluster - Allocation in progress

Hadoop Cluster - Allocation in progress

Hadoop Cluster - Allocation in progress

Hadoop Cluster - Allocation in progress

Hadoop Cluster Nodes - Allocation in progress....

Hadoop - Manage Cluster screen

Login using MSTSC Remote access to view the created Node in Hadoop cluster....

Hadoop Cluster - Map/Reduce job administration

Summary screen of particular Hadoop Cluster created just now...

Hadoop Cluster - Configure Ports 
- ODBC Server

Default these ports are in Closed status

Hadoop Cluster - Job execution History

You can download Client Utilities for Microsoft Apache Hadoop based services that will help in querying data in Hive using ODBC driver or Excel.

Hadoop Cluster - Summary Screen (Metro-Style web interface)

Hadoop - Release Cluster

Hadoop Cluster - Release in progress...

Test Hadoop cluster created is now released...

Thanks to Microsoft again for enabling developer communities to preview the Hadoop on Windows Azure.

If you are also interested in this and need more information refer to this link 
How-To and FAQ Guide for ApacheTM HadoopTM-based Services for Windows Azure