Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Server 2012

Windows Key + C - Opens Charms bar
Windows Key + Ctrl + Tab - Cycles through apps
Windows Key + Shift + Tab - Cycles through apps in reverse order
Windows Key + D - Switch to desktop (from start screen)
Windows Key + E - Opens file explorer
Windows Key + F - Search (files and folders)
Windows Key + H - Share
Windows Key + I - Settings
Windows Key + K - Devices
Windows Key + M - Minimizes current windows on desktop
Windows Key + O - Sets device orientation
Windows Key + Pause - System properties
Windows Key + PgDown- Moves current app to right monitor
Windows Key + PgUp- Moves current app to left monitor
Windows Key + PrtScr - Save screenshot
Windows Key + Q - Global search
Windows Key + R - Run command
Windows Key + spacebar - Switch keyboard/input language
Windows Key + TAB - Provides list of running programs
Windows Key + U - Ease of access center
Windows Key + V - Cycles notifications
Windows Key + Shift + V - Cycles notifications in reverse order
Windows Key + Y - Shows desktop screen
Windows Key + W - System settings search
Windows Key + X - Quick access menu
Windows Key + Z - Opens app bar

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

GeoFlow for Excel 2013

GeoFlow is basically Excel charting plus Bing Maps

GeoFlow is a three dimensional (3-D) data visualization tool for Microsoft Excel 2013 that provides a powerful method for people to look at information in new ways. It enables the data discoveries that might not be seen in traditional two dimensional (2-D) tables and charts. With GeoFlow you can plot geographic and temporal data visually, analyze that data on a 3-D globe and over time, and create visual tours to share with others.

With GeoFlow you can:
1.    Map Data: plot up to a million rows of data in 3-D, visually on Bing maps.
2.    Discover Insights: gain new understandings by seeing your data in geographic space and seeing time-stamped data change over time.
3.    Share Stories: capture screenshots and build cinematic, guided video tours that can be shared broadly, engaging audiences like never before.

Refer to link below for project codename "GeoFlow" Preview for Excel