Saturday, January 24, 2015

Key Mobile Challenges

Key Mobile Challenges
- Low Processing Power
- Limited RAM
- Intermittent, Low bandwidth, High Latency data connections
- Impact on battery life

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hadoop Hive External vs Internal Table

Hive tables can be created as EXTERNAL or INTERNAL. This is a choice that affects how data is loaded, controlled, and managed.

Use EXTERNAL tables when:

  • The data is also used outside of Hive. For example, the data files are read and processed by an existing program that doesn't lock the files.
  • Data needs to remain in the underlying location even after a DROP TABLE. This can apply if you are pointing multiple schemas (tables or views) at a single data set or if you are iterating through various possible schemas.
  • You want to use a custom location such as ASV.
  • Hive should not own data and control settings, dirs, etc., you have another program or process that will do those things.
  • You are not creating table based on existing table (AS SELECT).

Use INTERNAL tables when:

  • The data is temporary.
  • You want Hive to completely manage the lifecycle of the table and data.